HR Analytics

With HR dashboard, you can better utilize time, increase employee productivity and satisfaction. Empower your team with leading analytical platform Power BI!

HR Analytics

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Kobal transporti
Zavarovalnica Triglav
Incom Leone

Interactive DEMO

Example of an interactive "report" that saves your time and filters all of your data with one click. Try out the interactivity of the report by clicking on individual columns...

Try out our DEMO
Respond to Market Trends and Changes Fast and Efficiently

Respond to Market Trends and Changes Fast and Efficiently

Analytical platform Power BI can give you an excellent insight into employee overtime and workload, which you can use to increase or decrease headcount at the right time and optimize your business processes.

With Power BI reports you will be able to quickly identify the patterns in employee absences and discover whether deviations in absences, hours worked, employee satisfaction, etc. are linked to a specific job type, job position, organizational culture or some other factors.

How do your Employees Use Vacations Days?

How do your Employees Use Vacations Days?

Tracking leave and absence dynamics in Power BI will enable you to plan your work better and ensure you have enough employee capacity at all times.

HR report demonstration

Expert duo Dario Radošević, MBA, Head of Saas sales, SPICA GROUP and Aljoša Željeznov, Chief Operating Officer, B2 BI d.o.o. joined the HR Week 2022 with the hot topic “Data-driven insights into your workforce”!


Are you interested in knowing more about BI?

Contact our friendly BI experts! They will be happy to answer all your questions.

Current state assessment
KPI discovery | which metrics you use and how
Report demo and best practices demonstration
Analytics roles and competencies