Privacy policy and legal notices
Legal notices, responsibiliy and personal data protection
Privacy policy
B2 BI is strongly commited to keep all of your personal data safe. All data is handled in full compliance with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protecion Law.
Information we collect
When you signup for B2 BI newsletter or fill out contact form, data such as your name, address, e-mail and phone number is collected, that is, information that enables us to contact you in the future.
B2 BI can anonymously collect cookies through our website - this data is used for different promotional activities and re-marketing and to improve user experience. You can read more about cookies on the page Cookies.
Why do we collect personal information
When you fill out contact form for business inquiries, you agree that we store your personal information in our database for the purspose of follow up communication. We store and use your data solely for possible collaboration in direct marketing.
In case you sign up for our newsletter, you agee that the company B2 BI d.o.o. can periodically send you e-mail notifications (newsletter). We collect your data based on your preferences and in accordance with GDPR, with the purpose of personalizing your user experience and to send you content that would be most interesting to you; to improve user experience on our website and be able to get in contact with you.
You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.
Data retention policy
B2 BI ensures that data is stored and used only as long as it is needed for the purpose for which it is collected. After the purpose has been served, your personal data will be deleted or access to said data blocked. You can also request for us to stop using your data for the purpose of direct marketing. In that case, we will adequately stop using your personal data for direct marketing within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the request.
We guarantee, that we will, under no circumstances, use or share your personal information with 3rd parties or institutions without your consent, except when otherwise imposed by law for the purpose of national security, defence, public safety and prevention, identifying and persecution of criminal activities or unethical behaviour.
We will use your data exclusively for the purpose of sending you information requested from your side. We guarantee that we will not misuse your data or breach your privacy in any other form. Your data will never be used for any purpose that is not aligned with law or that could harm you in any way.
We only send out content and information; we never ask for personal information of sensitive nature, that could be used by cyber criminals, such as credit card information. Website is hosted on a secure web server and is regularly scanned for malware.
We use your personal information solely for above mentioned purposes and do not provide or sell them to 3rd parties, except for partners that help us maintain our website and are bound by the same privacy policy and terms as the company B2 BI d.o.o. In special circumstances, we can send your personal information to government agencies in case an official request is made.
Legal notice
All materials and content posted on the website are property of B2 Group. They can only be used for non-commercial purposes with copyright properly stated and can't be copied, duplicated or used in any form without the owner's written agreement.
Some illustrations have been taken from Freepik or Storyset, photos from Unsplash, Pexels or Freepik.
We try, to the best of our abilities, to provide information that is acurrate and up to date on our website,, but we do not guarantee or take responsibility for the accuracy of the information posted. The content provided on our website is for informational purposes only and may or may not reflect the most current developments in the topics covered. The use of any information provided is left to the discretion of the individual.
B2 BI does not accept responsibility for any inaccuracies in information provided or any damage resulting in the use of this information. We do not take responsibility for damage or inconveniences that occur as a result of the existence and accessing of our website, use of the content provided on our website or completeness/accuracy of information provided.
B2 BI does not guarantee the accuracy of the information on any of the webpages linked or referenced within B2 BI website. We do not accept complaints or responsibility for data privacy on those websites.
B2 BI reserves the right to change, add or remove content on the B2 BI website at any time. It is the responsibility of the reader to use the information provided and check for any changes in Privacy policy and terms.
For additional information about our Privacy policy please email us at